The gown is fit for the Met Gala. Between both LATimes and WaPo owners taking dives on their editorial hoards' already drafted KH endorsements https://www.thebulwark.com/p/bezos-kills-washington-post-endorsement-guardrails-falling/ and trump bottom-feeders hijacking RBG's memory to attach to an anti-abortion PAC https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/25/us/politics/trump-ruth-bader-ginsberg-abortion-ad.html?unlocked_article_code=1.U04.NHUO.8sBfOyziva_B&smid=url-share, I've had about all I can take. … into the wind indeed. And now Phil Lesh! RIP. Your eclipse video is soothing, likewise your hunch about who will win.

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As Joyce Vance always concludes her posts: "We're in this together.'

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