So very sad my eyes sre misted, but this also brings back the many times the kindness of strangers has saved this lost girl's bacon.

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I was confounded and asked my wife afterwards about it. 'At least you stopped and tried to help,' she said. I grieve to see un-parented or poorly parented kids turned adults, out in the world, alone, a bag of belongings in their hands or on their backs. And, yes, the kindness of strangers has saved my (vegetarian) bacon many a time!

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Your wife was right, of course, but how could you not be torn up by that experience? Your concern for the future is well-founded. Unconscionable, the indifference to children liike her in a country as rich as ours. The TacoBell employee's refusal even to let her use a phone—policy be damned, the cop just driving away, is shocking. Both good "Christians," i'd wager. What have we come to?

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